After finishing the credential program, I took a few months off from anything productive or important. I went to a wedding, did a ton of wine tasting, rode my bike, and worked a lot at the Boathouse. It's been a blur of good times, but the good times must end eventually. And so here I am again.
As your humble narrator, I should tell you that finding a job as a male history teacher in the state of California is not as easy as I thought it would be. So, my new direction is to find a more sure form of employment, yet still to be involved in education.
Enter: Teach for America.
And so, the entire story comes full circle. I've been online, typing up applications, letters of intent and resumes, and BOOM. Somehow I remembered that I still have this little journal of life and bike racing. Whatever it is, however productive or unproductive it is, I figured that at the very least, if I were to pass on in an unfortunate accident or something, there would at least be these words to remind you of my clever, witty comebacks. My inspiring dialogue and my everlasting ability to make you say, 'glad I'm not that guy.' You're welcome.
So if this teach for America thing works out, as I so very hope it does, I will be moving to the fine city of Los Angeles. I love sitting in traffic, so it's a perfect fit.
Bike racing is back!! Specifically, cyclocross, and it's very exciting to be semi-unemployed and have the weeks free to train and the weekends free to race. Good stuff. I'm now racing as a category 3 in cross, and I fully expect to be lapped by Sid Taberlay, Prenzlow, the Bailey Crew, and the rest of the way too fast elites.
And so there you have it. Bi-weekly posting will start....NOW!
Oh yea, totally won a 24 hour mountain bike race. 5 person coed team
(Logan had to leave early, hence only 4 of us)